Getting personal

Since my surgery end of July I still have problems with my concentration, and somehow this affects my blog posts too. I’m writing more theoretical, on a distance. As if I don’t dare yet to get personal. This is probably because I still feeling insecure, not my ‘normal’ self yet.

Shortly after the surgery my creativity was totally lost. I couldn’t make up what to cook with the veggies in the fridge, everything that asked for a bit more than straight-forward thinking was too much. I thought that it was over by now, than I realized that I’m still afraid of getting as personal here as I did before the surgery.

Isn’t art all about getting personal? If you don’t make your art personal, you end up with craftsmanship. Nothing wrong with that, but it’s not art. And to be able to make it personal, it’s important to feel good in body and mind, to feel secure enough to dare to get personal. And in order to feel good and secure enough, you have to know yourself.

Knowing yourself is knowing what gives you energy and what doesn’t, how to take good care of yourself, what your boundaries are and where you can challenge yourself . It’s about accepting that you have your own users manual, and to use it once in a while. The modern term for all of this is ‘personal leadership’. But in essence it’s to dare to get personal in your art.

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