Artist Psychology

Compass for Creatives2015-09-hillde-by-maerten-prins-5-small

Being an artist and having success is not as simple as you might think. As a successful artists, you live the dreams of many. They believe that you have to be happy all the time. And when you feel bad, you often hear that you shouldn’t complain, that you can still make a great piece of art about it.

When feeling bad, you need someone to comfort you, just like everyone else does. You inspire others, but you need to be inspired too, to take care of your mental health.

Before I started in the music industry, I finished my MA in cultural psychology. Since 2012 I combine my experience and knowledge in this blog, in lectures and in mental coaching of artists.

Music shows us that there is more to this world than politics, economics and the daily rush we live in. Music shows us that we can connect, even if we speak different languages. Music is a shortcut to our emotions. Music is important to you, to me, to the world. That makes musicians important too. I care about musicians.

My passion is to help artists to inspire others. That is in booking concerts at Paperclip Agency. I also want artists to take care of their mental health. That’s what I’m writing about on my blog, that is what my guest lectures and coaching is about.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.