
5 ways for a white person to start abolishing racism in the music business

Since the murder of George Floyd, no one can deny systemic racism in society anymore. But the music business is different, I still hear some white people say. They believe that in the music business it’s-all-about-music, no matter what skin-color you have. Still, various initiatives show that in the music business we have to fight systemic racism as well. What is systemic racism? Racism is dividing society for centuries. We white folks made a division between white and not-white. We […]

Aye, independence!

Excitement Will the Scots vote for independence tomorrow? I don’t know. Though I do know the importance of independence for me personally. The first major step was on the day after starting at university, when I went to the city council of my new home town to officially register there. I felt light as a bird, the world at my feet, all options open. Is Scotland feeling this kind of excitement too? Responsibility Of course there’s a downside of independence. […]

Kick your ass

Do you know the situations when you feel a victim? It’s often because the press doesn’t pay attention to your album or performances, because you can’t afford to go to that amazing showcase festival, because a band member doesn’t act like you would want him to, because the world and everyone is plotting against you. Well, I do know that feeling. And sometimes it can even feel good to indulge in the mud-pool of self-pity. And while indulging the mud-pool […]

Unblocking 11: Autonomy

What’s your association with autonomy? My thoughts always go back to my first morning after moving to Frankfurt a.M. I was 19, moved there from a small village on the country side and had just registered at the city council. Walking in the morning at Eiserner Steg towards the city center, I felt like the whole world was mine! It was an enormously outburst of freedom, independence and love. Does this sound extravagant and braking-loose-from-social-obligations? Oh yes, that was exactly […]

Unblocking 9: Compassion

Compassion seems so easy, except if it’s about compassion towards myself. Last week I was invited as panelist to goNORTH, an art conference/festival in Inverness in Scotland. My mind was full with all kind of duties and tasks. And I can go quite harsh on myself when I haven’t finished them all at once! It’s not the duties and tasks themselves that form a block to creativity, it’s how you deal with them. If you feel the need of more […]