Recommended books

Here an overview with books that I found inspiring, in alphabetic order. The English books are also available in Dutch translation, but unfortunately it’s not the other way around.



Sarah Ban Breathnach – Something more.
About the importance to dig into your own past, like an archeologist, to let go frustrations and light out the good experiences, with goal to live an authentic life, very creative tools.

Joanna Barsh, Susie Cranston – When remarkable women lead.
Very inspiring book about research to discover secrets of women in Fortunes500. It all starts with nurture the things you are good at. It results in 5 aspects of centered leadership. I used it in the first posts on my blog, and will refer to it frequently.

Rhonda Britten – Fearless living : live without excuses and love without regret.
About replacing the circle of fear by a circle of freedom, and get the help of other people.

Julia Cameron – The Artist’s Way : a spiritual path to higher creativity.
Great workbook to unblock your creativity in 3 months, not only for artists, and good to just read as well. With daily writing of ‘morning-pages’ to prevent getting blocked by your inner critic, and weekly spoiling your inner artistic child with an ‘artist date’.

Elizabeth Gilbert – Eat, pray, love : one woman’s search for everything across Italy, India, and Indonesia.
I found this book at the toilet on Oslo airport, the security people told me that I should keep it. Great journey from pampering yourself in Italy, disciplined spirituality in India, and bring both together to love in Indonesia.

Lynn Grabhorn – Excuse Me, your life is waiting.
Great book about the power of feelings, of humming from happiness and the law of attraction, makes you feel good while you read it.

Louise Hay – I can do it.
How you can use affirmations to make your life better. Inspiring, as part of a broader approach.

Joseph Jaworski – Synchronicity : the inner path to leadership.
About leadership and leading other people at work. Focuses a bit too much on people at top of business for my taste, for the rest very inspiring.

Robert E. Quinn – Building the bridge as you walk on it : a guide for leading change.
You can only lead and change an organization, if you first lead and change yourself, this means that you need to become more conscious and authentic first.

Percy N. Ross – Ask for the moon and get it! : the secret to getting what you want by knowing how to ask.
First I thought that it would be about manipulating, but it’s about taking others more serious, and than dare to ask, and to give. Very inspiring with good advices.

Robin S. Sharma – The monk who sold his Ferrari.
Inspiring journey/fairytale from successful layer who leaves everything behind to look for enlightenment in Himalaya. Good to know that it only takes 21 days to learn a new habit.

Judith Sills – The comfort trap, or, What if you’re riding a dead horse?
Method on how to handle fear in 7 steps, very inspiring, about facing your pain, creating a vision, knowing that you have to change, look back while keep walking, let go, come out of your comfort zone and take action.


Martijn Aslander, Erwin Witteveen – Easycratie : de toekomt van werken en organiseren.
Great to read, though a bit detached, with good literature list, about networks, talent, sense of life.

Carmen Barnhoorn – Lichter leven : praktische handleiding voor levenskunst.
She translates common books about management (a.o. Ofman, Covey, Gerrikens) to manage your own life, she points out the relativity of time, importance of passion over discipline.

Jeanet Bathoorn – Get Social : online netwerken voor beginners.
Great book on how to work with social online networks and how to let them work for you. It’s inspiring, easy to read and to follow, great book!

Louise Boelens – Vrouwen van 50 : lef, lust en nieuwe ambitie.
Great book, partly scientific partly storytelling, about powerful aging after menopause.

Cobi Brouwer – Coachen naar eigenheid : ontvouwen van talent.
About observing in a physical way, reflect and change imprints and open inner energies, very exciting to read, with lots of exercises.

Onno Hamburger, Ad Bergsma – Gelukkig werken : versterk je persoonlijk leiderschap.
Very practical guide to become more happy in your work. Also good list of possible pitfalls when working on/with happiness, very inspiring!

Katerina Karanika – Ik voel me fantastisch, jij ook? : hoe je je emoties de baas kunt blijven.
Very inspiring book, on how emotions work, with great exercises.

Wim Kijne – Handboek voor gevoelige mensen : de gids voor meer plezier in je gevoelsleven.
Great Dutch book about what it is to be a High Sensitive Person, with a lot of meditative suggestions.

Linda LĂ©onard – Meeting the madwoman : an inner challenge for feminine spirit.
This great book is about creativity as ‘mad’ power, everyone has it, and it shows in different ways, sometimes negative, especially when suppressed. Also about history, and how to use the creative power in a positive way.

Susan Marletta-Hart – Voluit leven met hooggevoeligheid.
Workbook for High Sensitive Persons on how to deal with it, and enjoy life.

Justine Mol – De giraf en de jakhals in ons : over geweldloos communiceren.
Small great booklet about nonviolent communication in some simple and clear stories, and how you need them both in your life.

Marjolein Rikmenspoel – Spirit @ Work : aan het werk met spirituele intelligentie.
Great overview of 4 types of intelligence, intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.

Fernando Savater – De moed om te kiezen : een filosofie van de vrijheid.
Book about the philosophy of choosing, easy to read and very inspiring, with in part 2 a plea to choose for 6 basic values: truth, delight, politics, education, humanity and the unpredictable.

Lenette Schuijt – Praktijkboek : de kracht van bezieling.
Book about passion and ego, how you can choose for passion in a non-passionate environment.

Suzanne Unck – Vrouw met PIT : passie, intuitie, talent.
Inspiring workbook about emotions, how to show them, with passion, intuition and talent.

Natasha van Dalen, Ernst Evelo – De vrouw in mij kan het beter – leiden door te dienen.
Good book, though sometimes a bit forced about differences between male and female attributes. 9 themes are central: love, consciousness, adult dependence, target-/result orientation, vision, passion, pride, enjoyment.

Margarete van den Brink – Spirituele ontwikkeling van mens en organisatie in zeven fasen.
Very inspiring book about development of humans and of organizations in seven steps, and how to move from one step to the other.

Jan van Koert – Wat je vindt mag je houden.
About nonviolent communication as road to connecting with others, and you can start with it every day again.

Judith Webber: Laat jezelf zien! : Tips voor puur ondernemen.
Very nice book, inspiring also for the eye and the mind, to think about your business and life.

Mirjam Windrich – Het succes van online coaching : waarom het zo goed werkt.
Good insight on why online coaching works so good, and the client-centered approach of it.