Sinead O’Connor

Article in IQ Magazine:

Quote from IQ_mag twitter: Paperclip Agency’s @HildeSpille discusses how empowerment can help musicians who feel screwed by the music biz

4 reasons why empowerment is important for musicians

Everything at Compass for Creatives is about the empowerment of musicians. The importance is so self-evident to me, that I often forget to explain myself to others. I hope that after reading the 4 reasons below it’s evident to you too. 1. Stay motivated even after demotivating comments Using your musical talents brings you lots of fun, as long as everything is going according to plan. You enjoy becoming better and better on your instrument, others enjoy it more and […]

Empowerment for musicians so they don’t get screwed

Musicians often feel screwed by their managers, agents, and labels. The publicity that Sinead O’Connor got last week is a good example. People in the music business are not all crooks, for sure. But everyone in the music business has his/her own financial interest in the career of the musician. Independent, non-legal advice for musicians is scarce. The solution Hilde Spille discovered, lies in the empowerment of musicians. On September 15 she starts with a new online workshop. She fills […]

Blues for Blue Monday

Since 2005 we call that the third Monday of the year ‘Blue Monday’. It’s supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. On Monday we feel more down than on other days, and even more so on the third Monday of the year. It’s cold, dark, the holidays are behind us and we realize that we didn’t manage to hold on to the good intentions we started the year with. Every time I hear of Blue Monday, I […]

Miley Cyrus – comparing apples and oranges?

The open letter of Sinead O’Connor to Miley Cyrus seems to be an issue in the music business right now. Sinead writes about Mileys new video clip Wrecking Ball.  Below I have the link, in case you haven’t seen it yet.  Sinead has great respect for Miley as an artist, and is telling her that she is exploited by all the men in the music business, who are prostituting her in order to make money for themselves. A great addition […]