
And if I’m not famous? 1

Last week I spoke to a manager about this blog. He sounded very interested. Though his problem was not that his artists are famous and don’t know how to deal with their success, but that they are NOT famous, and don’t know what to do. He thought that this blog would not be interesting for him. Let start from the scratch. What is fame? When I was a little girl I thought, that if everyone in the small village I […]

Art and craft 1

On Wikipedia I found the most simple definition of an artist: a person who creates art. And when art originally just meant ‘skill’ or ‘craft’, it’s now used as an abbreviation for creative art or fine arts. ‘Creating’ is the key here. And a more contemporary definition adds the concept of ‘imagination’: art is “the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others.” This also marks the difference […]

Will success solve all problems?

Many people believe that once you are successful, all problems will be solved. With success, you become attractive, rich and happy.  All people will love you and you can get anything you want. Wow, that will really  make you happy. The only think you need to do is being succesful. In the music business, these people often also believe, that you will get ‘there’ if you are good. And for being good, you need a bit of talent and a […]