On Wikipedia I found the most simple definition of an artist: a person who creates art. And when art originally just meant ‘skill’ or ‘craft’, it’s now used as an abbreviation for creative art or fine arts.
‘Creating’ is the key here. And a more contemporary definition adds the concept of ‘imagination’: art is “the use of skill and imagination in the creation of aesthetic objects, environments, or experiences that can be shared with others.” This also marks the difference between a craftsman and an artist, between entertainment and culture.
To be an artist, you have to learn a craft, start to create, and add your imagination. And the only way to get success and to hold it, is to keep in touch with your imagination, keep getting inspired. Many successful artists get blocked in their imagination and inspiration. Very wisely, Dutch TV-presenter Mies Bouwman gave this advise to tv/musical tycoon Joop van den Ende: “Nothing is more lethal than compliments and applause all the time.”
So how can you deal with success and keep your creativity, imagination and inspiration alive? I can accompany musicians on the journey to keep your creativity alive. For that, I combine my own experience in the live music business with my knowledge of psychology and the principles developed by Julia Cameron in her book “The Artists Way”. Everything starts with the will, to take life in your own hands – especially when you are successful.
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I just love how this article is phrased! 🙂 Creation is key.