
Freedom by structure

After a quite serious storm last Monday, the trees have lost many leaves. Suddenly I can see the structure of the tree, the branches that are usually hidden by the leaves. Makes me think of structure in general. Structure is often seen as the opposite of freedom. Structure can work as a coffin, as a prison. That’s how I experienced the structure of the village life in my youth. The only way out was another structure, the structure of religious […]

Expect the unexpected

It’s like today is screaming the whole time ‘expect the unexpected’ to me! It started when I woke up from a nasty dream. When I got up, everything was misty outside. Later on, the sun broke through and it was a beautiful and warm autumn-day. And on the way to the office I had a flat tire that I had to fix while I was full of other plans. Somehow that is what fall as season tells me every year […]