Everyone is looking forward to celebrate christmas again. You see the joyfulness at the pictures on facebook, the happy faces, the happy families, in a cozy living room decorated for the celebration. You enjoy to listen to christmas carols, thinking of the great days that are ahead. That’s also the picture we see in all the advertisements. We don’t celebrate yet, we look forward to it and expect it to be perfect, just like our imagination.
The other side is disappointment. When I was about 10 years old my mom told me before christmas lunch, that the best dish of the lunch for her was the sauce. All the sauce was put in one bowl and I carried it to the table. And yes, I stumbled and all the sauce ended on the floor. I guess that most of us have had a similar experience. The atmosphere wasn’t as peaceful anymore as everyone expects it to be at christmas.
Or think about the stress to have all the gifts ready in time, and the perfect diner for the friends you invited. You think that they will expect it to be perfect – diner, decoration, dress, atmosphere. You want to fulfill the stereotype of a perfect diner because you think that your friends will expect that. Stress all around.
And than it’s time to sit down, take a breath, drink a cup of tea, and think of how you really would want to celebrate christmas. Does it really matter if you serve a simple stew to your friends instead of toasts with foie gras and blini’s with caviar, when you are having fun? Take a step back and think it over. What’s really important?
Spending the holidays with your loved ones (not necessarily family!) and having a good time – that’s really important. The best chance to get there, is making an end to all the stress and the too high expectations, and start your own rituals, simple and sound, rituals that serve you and your friends, instead of stressing you out. Enjoy!