Unblocking 5: Possibility

When I was 19 I moved to Frankfurt and started to study Theology. I thought that the whole world is open to me, and that with age the possibilities will become more and more limited. Well, that’s the best way of getting old even when still young at age 🙂

Our own expectations, and most of all the expectations we think that others have regarding us, are the strongest obstacle in discovering our possibilities. We think that we have to be successful first, before we can afford to becoming an artist.

“Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, than, do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.” (Margaret Young)

If you work with the Morning Pages, you should have realized by now how often you think negatively and fearful. It’s scary to realize that you do have toe possibility of creating, of becoming an artist. Many of our believes of the past don’t match anymore with that new thought.  All the 12 phases of unblocking are about getting strong enough to realize and to live what we really are and to do what we need to do.

So, let’s make some fun lists. Imagine five things you would love to try, if it weren’t too crazy. For me it is: giving lecture, write a book, traveling by public transport through Thailand, interview some famous artists, start a web-community of artists. What are yours?

brandende-kaarsjes-op-een-verjaardagstaart-hd-verjaardag-achtergrondThe next list is a list of 20 wishes. Write them down fast, as fast as you can, without thinking, without limitations.  20 x I wish … You can include all the things that you usually say no to, why you know that you would enjoy them. Try it. Afterwards you can start thinking about it.

Last Monday at my birthday I realized that we can make a new start every year, every month, every day. It starts with the bold idea that we are indeed able to become more creative and to realize some of our wishes. Which one will you (start to) realize this week?

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