
Unblocking 6: Abundance

Oh, I love this one! I wrote about it before, in October last year.  The feeling of abundance is only for a small part related to material wealth. It has everything to do with you, allowing yourself to take good care of you. If you try, you will discover that often it’s the little things that make life luxurious for you! Just take some time and think about it. No, forget for a moment about posh cars, juwelery and golden […]

Unblocking 4: Integrity

Part of your new identity as artist is integrity. It starts with being honest to yourself. And yes, sometimes that can be scary. When being honest to yourself, you have to admit that you are joining your friends into town for shopping, even if you actually would like to look for a quiet place to sit in the sun. Usually I’d try to hide the urge for a quiet place, hide it even for myself, and go with my friends, […]

Unblocking 2: Identity

OK, now you are feeling safe enough to play and try things with your art, you can start to develop an identity as a creative person, as an artist. And don’t worry if it goes up and down. When you get a stronger identity, the doubts will go stronger too! Getting an identity as artists starts within yourself. How do you think about artists and creativity? How do your friends, family, colleagues think about it? Many think that you have […]

Unblocking 1: Safety 2

One year ago I was working with this great book of Julia Cameron: The Artist’s Way. She wrote it about 20 years ago already, and it’s still used by many authors. In all my 18 years in the live music business I’ve never heard of it. Are there musicians working with this method? Do you know? Anyway, I’ll start to write about all the 12 aspects of unblocking your creativity. It starts with gaining a sense of safety. Safety has […]