Have you heard of winter-depression? Are you infected too? I can get quite down if the days are so short as they are right now. No wonder that the celebration of the winter solstice is so important in most Nordic cultures. It’s the start of the days getting longer again.
Many Christmas customs have their origin in the celebration of winter solstice in Nordic countries. Pines and pine branches stand for the hope of everything getting green again in spring. Candles stand for more (day) light. All the customs and traditions create the picture of a cozy home within a dark and cold environment. You want to enjoy the warm company of friends and family.
Long and dark nights are the ideal time to spot stars. The darker it is, the brighter the stars will sparkle, if you have a cloudless sky. It might just as well be the ideal time for you to search for the sparkle inside you, the sparkle that you want to let shine in the coming months.
The sparkle I want to shine with, is my work with booking shows for new artists. And for Compass for Creatives I’m developing some new workshops. Exciting!
Come on and shine, shine like a star
Shining so bright like the star that you are.
Oh oh oh oh shine into the future
Spreading your light wherever you are.
What’s your sparkle?