This is another one of the five aspects of centered leadership, according to Joanna Barsh. And the first choice you have to make to lead your own life, is the choice for yourself. Look at yourself, seriously. How do you treat yourself? Do you know what is right for you, from within, like you would know for a loved one? Can you be kind to yourself, even if you didn’t match your own expectations?
Difficult questions, I know. If you want to go for it, you have to take good care of yourself, be kind to yourself. Marjolein Rikmenspoel distinguishes in her Dutch book about spiritual intelligence between four aspects of intelligence: rational, emotional, physical and spiritual. All those four aspects are part of yourself, and want to be taken care of. Don’t worry, no pressure here. The only think I’m asking is, that you look at your self more consciously.
Taking care of yourself includes your presentation, they way you dress, your make-up, the colors you wear and your haircut. I’ve just been at the hairdresser again after 3 months. With short hair, it was about time. This all has influence on how we feel. Have you ever worn a color or a dress that didn’t feel right at a certain day? It can make you feel quite insecure. And here too you have a choice.
How do you want to present yourself, to yourself and to the world around you?