
How shame makes you lonely and how to build resilience in 4 steps

Have you ever been ashamed? Ashamed that you are not famous yet? Ashamed for being famous, but not enjoying it as much as you thought you would be? Ashamed that you didn’t reach your 5-year goals? Ashamed for not being as cool as the all think you are? Ashamed for who you are, not worth to belong to the great people around you? Shame makes you feel lonely, because it affects you as a person.  If you feel guilty, it […]

Unblocking 3: Power

Have you ever realized the power that comes with getting angry? I’ve been told to be nice, to suppress any feelings of anger. Even if I know, that in the end it makes me crazy. Anger can be used as a map, as a sign that tells you the direction you have to go or to avoid. It also gives you the energy to pursue. So as recovering artist, getting angry means that you are starting to unblock! So don’t […]