
Waiting for the right moment: strong or weak? 1

“You can better wait for the right moment.” Does that sound familiar to you? Is it wise or not? What is the right moment? Waiting for the right moment works great when you want to stall something. I love to wait for the right moment when I want to stall a decision or avoid some changes I have to make, like when i wanted to quit smoking while in the middle of writing my master thesis. Not a good moment […]

7 criteria to choose a manager 2

Sometimes you only realize what you know, if someone asks the right question. It happened to me last week, when one of the participants of my workshop D.I.Y. mentality asked me how to select the right manager. He’s made serious progress with his band after the workshop and is recently approachedĀ  by various managers. Within a split second I mentioned 6 criteria, and thought of the last one (number 2 in the list) after consulting with my partner. I like […]