Musicians often feel screwed by their managers, agents, and labels. The publicity that Sinead O’Connor got last week is a good example. People in the music business are not all crooks, for sure. But everyone in the music business has his/her own financial interest in the career of the musician. Independent, non-legal advice for musicians is scarce. The solution Hilde Spille discovered, lies in the empowerment of musicians. On September 15 she starts with a new online workshop. She fills the gap that the music business kept empty until now.
Again and again you hear from musicians that they feel screwed by the music business, like Sinead O’Connor last week. If you listen to all the complaints you might think that everyone working in the music business is a crook. That’s of course not true. But everyone in the business team of a musician, manager, agent, A&R has his/her own financial interest in the success of the musician. Who is defending the interest of the musician?
The only independent adviser for a musician is his or her lawyer. There is no one in the music business for independent advice beyond legal matters. Hilde Spille started her blog Compass for Creatives three years ago to fill this gap. She gives free empowerment advice for musicians to strengthen their position. Her blog has more than 150.000 views.
On September 01, Hilde Spille celebrates her 20-year anniversary at Paperclip Agency. She works as European agent and Dutch promoter for bands from all over the world. Acts on her roster include(d) a.o. John Watts (from Fischer-Z), I Muvrini, Balkan Beat Box, Chloe Charles.
In Compass for Creatives, Hilde combines her experience in the live music business with her master degree in cultural psychology and her interest in books about personal management. Next to online workshops, she offers individual coaching and is invited as guest lecturer to universities and colleges about music management. Everything at Compass for Creatives is about the empowerment of artists.
On September 15 the “Online Workshop 5 Empowerment Tools For Musicians – Lean in 6 weeks how to move from insecurity to an upward spiral towards success” starts for a second time. One of the enthusiastic reactions to the first workshop: “This workshop engages the ‘higher’ forms of business. It’s more a personal development rather than a ‘how to’ workshop yet it connects directly to business. Would I recommend it? Definitely!” (Sky Hunter)
More information about the workshop at tab “Empowerment” above.